
  • 26.01.2010 - NPS ISU Euroopa Iluuisutamise Meistrivõistlustel Tallinnas
    30-aasta möödudes oli taas Baltikumis ning taas Tallinnas fotograafidel võimalus kasutada Nikon Professional Service teenuseid. Esimene kord oli 1980 aastal Moskvas toimunud Olümpiamängude raames Tallinnas toimunud regatil. Nüüd oli NPS kohal Tallinnas toimunud Iluuisutamise EM-i raames. NPS teenuse eesmärk on suurütitustel fotograafe teenindada pakkudes neile tuge sündmustest suurepäraste piltide jäädvustamisel....
  • 14.01.2010 - Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition
    Small World is regarded as the leading forum for showcasing the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope. For over 30 years, Nikon has rewarded the world's best photomicrographers who make critically important scientific contributions to life sciences, bio-research and materials science. Deadline for Entries: April 30, 2010
    22-26 March 2010 The masterclass will be accessible to young and aspiring documentary photographers from  the Baltic countries, the former USSR countries (CIS), Belorussia, Russia and the Ukraine . Noor, Nikon and FotoDepartment invite photographers to submit their portfolios for selection for the 2010 Noor- Nikon ‘Masterclass in Documentary Photography’. The workshop During the five days of the workshop, the 15 participants, together with the three member...